The amount of food for dogs and food allergies
The recommended dry feed rate is usually indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Consider that when feeding a dog with a “superpremium” class food, the daily norm is twice…

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Dog care
The dog should be kept clean. Every day the hair is combed with a loose comb, and smooth-haired dogs with a stiff hair brush. It removes dirt and dust, as…

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Homemade Puppy Food
Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires…

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Place for a puppy

Conditions of keeping puppies depends on the breed and nature of the use of the dog in the service in the future. It is better to keep German Shepherds in the open air, but at one month of age, the German Shepherd puppies are kept in the house during the cold season. Puppies unsuitable for harsh winter conditions are kept in an apartment or house.

For puppies that are kept on the street, they usually make an open-air cage (a small plot of land, enclosed by a fence). The soil in this area should be hard, if the surface of the area is soft, then pebbles are poured in and tamped tightly. To prevent puddles from forming in the aviary, it is necessary to provide for a water drain. The whole area should be located so that one part of it is in the sun, and the other in the shade.

On the fenced plot is set wooden booth, the size of which depends on the size of your pet. In the winter-autumn period, a thick piece of fabric or tarpaulin is hung at the entrance to the booth, the floor is sprinkled with sawdust or straw with hay. In the rainy season it is necessary to provide your pet with a dry place so that he can lie on it. For this purpose, a kind of shield is assembled from the boards, which acts as a sunbed. Do not hold your puppy on a chain.

The location of the place for a pet in a house or apartment in most cases depends on living conditions. In no case do not place your beloved pet’s lounger in the aisle or near the door, so that it does not interfere with people and does not catch a cold from a draft. Moreover, with such an arrangement, he may become too gentle, which is not very good if you rely on him as a guard or protector of your family. It is very harmful for dogs or puppies to sleep on a tiled or tiled surface, also near stoves and batteries.
In a selected place for a puppy, a thick mat lies in a case. Cotton-based bedding and mattresses are not hygienic. Especially for your pet, you can build a “dog bed”. To do this, a thick fabric or tarpaulin is pulled on the quadrangular wooden frame with legs, which is easily removed for washing.

Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…


Educational games and initial defense course exercises
If the puppy is contained in a large cage, often let him walk freely in the room. Remember that you can keep it locked up no more than 12 hours…
