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Homemade Puppy Food
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Feeding a black Russian terrier

Despite the fact that the black Russian terrier is an almost omnivorous breed, the diet of such a dog should be approached seriously, as improper feeding leads to growth disorders and various diseases.

Food should be varied and balanced. The black terrier, however, like other dogs, best digests and assimilates animal feed (meat, trimmings, offal, poultry, fish, dairy products). Although dogs have increased acidity of the gastric juice (to break down animal protein), they can also use vegetable feed. The basis of the diet should be meat products, since food waste from the host table and other plant food can not meet the body’s need for proteins, fats and trace elements. When feeding these dogs with plant food, their skeleton and bones of the limbs are deformed, and their coat condition worsens.

Raw meat does not contain denatured protein, and raw fat has an ideal chemical composition. Boiled foods lose their nutritional value.

The main food for the black Russian terrier is: meat, milk, fish. You can add different cereals, roots, greens and vegetables to these products. Such food contains all the substances necessary for the dog’s body. The lack of protein in the dog’s diet adversely affects the body’s vital processes. When the breakdown of proteins exceeds its synthesis, the body begins to break down its own tissues, which leads to serious consequences. Animal fats normalize the exchange of cholesterol, increase the level of immunity, beneficially affect the skin and the state of wool. So by the appearance of the black terrier’s coat, one can determine whether there is enough fat and protein in his diet. Carbohydrates are necessary for dogs as an energy source. With a lack of carbohydrate dog sluggish, quickly tired. The excess carbohydrate in the dog’s body turns into fat, so you need to monitor the amount of carbohydrate foods to prevent the dog from becoming obese.

The need of the Russian black terrier in feed is calculated by its live weight, conditions of detention, the degree of load, the state of wool, time of year, sex and age. For the normal life of the black terrier in the daily ration of the dog (per 1 kg of weight) should contain:

– Fats – 1-2 g;

– proteins – 3-4 g;

– carbohydrates – 13-15 g.

With increased loads, you can increase the caloric content of food. For feeding the Russian black terrier use such types of meat: beef, horse meat, lamb, game and poultry meat (without tubular bones). Raw meat is fed to the dog in the form of minced meat or small pieces. Chernysh can swallow larger pieces practically without chewing, therefore it is better to grind it well. Meat products should be 2/3 of the diet (in extreme cases, at least half). The dog’s feed goes both to the meat itself and to its trimming and offal (lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, udder, guts). In terms of grams, the daily rate of meat for blacks is:

– puppies 2-3 months. – 300 g;

– puppies 4-6 months. – 400 g;

– puppies 7-12 months. – 500 g;

– adult dogs – 500 g

The remaining amount of animal products can be meat by-products. Black terriers are very fond of the liver, which is recommended to use as a treat for dog training. Udder is especially useful for young dogs, as it contains many mineral and other beneficial substances. Beef scar (stomach) give raw, prior to his scalding. Small puppies are given a brawl from fetters and beef lips. It allows you to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus growing dogs.

Very useful for black terriers are cartilaginous bones – ribs, brisket. They have a high nutritional value and are easily digested. Boiled bones are not given to dogs, as they impede digestion and lead to constipation. To clean the teeth from plaque, you can periodically give raw beef bones. Avian bones should not be given, since sharp fragments of tubular bones often injure the gastrointestinal tract.

Fish is also a complete food. It contains proteins, fats, phosphorus. Sea fish is the main source of iodine. Before feeding, the bones and fins are removed from the fish. For small puppies, fish is passed through a meat grinder. Other seafood should be included in the ration of blacks: clams, squids, octopuses. In a week you need to do 3-4 fish feeding. An excellent food for these dogs is raw capelin, which is given in the form of minced meat or whole. It is better not to give river fish to the black terrier, since it can be a source of tapeworms.

Many blacks like a variety of vegetables. The daily rate of vegetables is 300 g. Beets, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers are given in raw or stewed form. Vegetables are ground or grated. In the diet you can include a little garlic and onions, which are a prophylactic against worms. Raw potatoes are poorly digested, so they are rarely given and only cooked.

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