Urination in dogs caused by fear
Urination caused by fear occurs in shy dogs by nature or in those who have been abused or offended. This “nuisance” is not caused by the fact that you poorly…

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Urination in dogs caused by fear

Urination caused by fear occurs in shy dogs by nature or in those who have been abused or offended. This “nuisance” is not caused by the fact that you poorly raised an animal. This is a gesture of surrender on the part of your pet, who seems to say: “Please do not hurt me.”

There are differences in urination caused by fear and excitement. They are distinguished by the manner in which the animal assumes and the circumstances in which these “wet matters” occur.

Urination caused by fear occurs in a dog when:

They shout or punish her.

When an animal feels that it is being shouted or punished.

When meeting with strangers, especially if it is – men.

When go straight towards the dog.

When an animal sneaks up to you with its head down and its tail.

In order to prevent cases that cause fear in the dog, try to approach it from the side, and not go “in a frontal attack.” If you go straight to the animal, you give it a sign that you are the aggressor. Or do not go to meet the animal. Squat down. Let your dog come to you. Speak with him in a soft voice, do not make any movements towards the dog. Movement should be slow and of small amplitude.

If you have to educate a shy dog, avoid coercion and never punish it. Try not to raise obedience in the animal. Do your best to teach her tricks of all sorts. Teaching an animal the ability to stand, for example, on its hind legs, asking for a treat, you will radiate positive emotions, and the pet will feel safe.

When playing with an animal, let him “win” you. This is another great way to develop self-esteem in the dog, which will help get rid of the fear of a rival.

Never punish an animal for freeing the bladder from fear. By doing this, you will only frighten him even more, and this behavior can turn into pathology. Try to avoid similar situations in the future.

Remember, urination caused by fear in dogs is the result of how the animal perceives the world around it. You may know that you will not cause him any harm, but the past experience and his pet’s personal qualities may cause the dog to have completely different emotions that you rely on. It is not in your power to explain in words to an animal that you are not a threat to it. In this case, your actions speak more than words.

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