Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…

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Primary education puppy
First of all, give your baby a name. Often the puppies born in the nursery are called breeders, and it is customary for the nicknames of littermates to begin with…

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Dog Commands
Standard commands that we give the dog are considered the most ordinary, non-service commands, such as “next”, “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, place ”, etc. In the process of dog…

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own irritability

Teaching a puppy to clean the house

An important concern of each owner is to teach the puppy to be clean. It is noticed that already three-week puppies specially crawl out of the den to recover. Thus, cleanliness is the innate quality of the dog. Until your puppy has passed the course of preventive vaccinations, he is forced to stay in the house. And you have to be patient, removing 10-15 times a day the “traces of vital activity” of your little pet. Continue reading

Top 10 Misconceptions about Dog Health and Care
1. With a small wound on the body of the dog, you don’t have to do anything - it will lick itself. In fact, the dog’s mouth is a breeding…


Place for a puppy
Conditions of keeping puppies depends on the breed and nature of the use of the dog in the service in the future. It is better to keep German Shepherds in…
