You have a puppy
And the baby found himself in your house. He faces a difficult task - to grow into a healthy, obedient and efficient dog. And this should help you - the…

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How to equip a place for a puppy?
Before you bring a puppy into the house, you should carefully prepare a permanent place for it. Choose the optimal area in the apartment, taking into account the fact that…

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Tone of voice and dog handling
The purpose of training is purposeful education, during which you let the dog know what behavior is desirable. But do not believe those who claim to have raised a faithful…

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What vaccinations do puppies need?

You have acquired a puppy, thereby taking responsibility for its life and health. You also have to ask the breeder, the owner of your pet’s mom, whether he was given prophylactic vaccinations, whether he was given anthelmintic (anti-worms) drugs. If vaccinations have already been done, ask for a veterinary card. As a rule, puppies are given to a new owner at the age of one month (1.5 months for small decorative breeds).

At this time, the dog still retains the immunity transmitted from the mother along with the milk. However, it is not necessary to delay the implementation of preventive measures. Let the puppy settle in the new house for 2-3 days and take him to the city or district veterinary clinic. It is there, and not at the private veterinarian, that you will be given a veterinary passport of international standard, which later will give you the opportunity to travel with your pet, not only in the car, but also by train and plane. This document marks all preventive vaccinations given to your dog. On the basis of it issued a certificate for travel on exhibitions and for personal needs in other cities and countries.

If there, where you live, there is no specialized vetushchedeniya, you can make vaccinations yourself. Any polyvalent vaccine, such as Biovac DPAL, is suitable for this. Buy three doses at once. Make sure that the drug is given to you from the refrigerator (a guarantee that the vaccine will be “live”), check the expiration date. Read the instructions carefully. Prick better in withers. Pull the skin as if you were going to take the baby by the scruff. Pierce the skin with a sharp movement and enter the contents of the syringe. Re-vaccination is done in 10 – 14 days, the third – after a complete change of teeth in 5-6 months. As in children, puppies may show a reaction to the vaccine. To prevent this from happening, give the dog any antihistamine drug – suprastin, diazolin, ketotifen. Read the instructions carefully. There are instructions on the dosage of the medication, depending on the weight of the patient. A puppy can be weighed in a bag or bag on the balance sheet, or stand on a room scale with and without it. The difference is the weight of the dog. Remember the date of the third vaccination. Annually on this day (plus or minus a week) you will need to repeat the procedure. Unfortunately, a rabies vaccine cannot be done alone. The vaccine for this disease is delivered centrally to specialized institutions in large tubes. Only there it is possible to make these vaccinations and get marks in the dog’s passport about their conduct. It should be noted that some dog clubs have an agreement with the municipal veterinary clinics. They invite their members to the action, the purpose of which is to vaccinate against this disease, followed by a note in the dog’s passport about its conduct.

Teaching a puppy to clean the house
An important concern of each owner is to teach the puppy to be clean. It is noticed that already three-week puppies specially crawl out of the den to recover. Thus,…


How to equip a place for a puppy?
Before you bring a puppy into the house, you should carefully prepare a permanent place for it. Choose the optimal area in the apartment, taking into account the fact that…
