you need
Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On the one hand, this is the way to tame the beast, on the other hand, the development of the dog’s body and psyche, and on the third, the birth and strengthening of that incredibly beautiful and strong mutual feeling that combines love, devotion and responsibility. Continue reading
Think doggy
The attitude of the dog to its owner is one of the important, and often the dominant, aspect of the behavior of the animal. But why one dog obeys its owner, and the other – no? How to make an effective process of training? How to learn to understand your dog? And how to instill in him the necessary skills? Continue reading
Puppy testing
The most complete information regarding the personal characteristics of puppies can be obtained as a result of special tests. Babies aged from 6 to 8 weeks can be objectively checked for fear of loud sounds, pain threshold, nervousness, dominance, the presence or absence of hunting and protective instincts. Continue reading