Work on exposure and work at a distance. Team Wait
A poorly socialized, nervous dog is hard to convince to accept a fixed position in an unfamiliar place. As a rule, such animals behave restlessly inside the car; bark and…

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How to feed a puppy
Brought into the house, a puppy from the first day requires a lot of care and attention. Torn away from maternal affection, warmth and milk, the baby feels lonely and…

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What is dog functionality?
Not even the most intelligent and powerful dog can master all dog professions and perform all the functions without exception. As no living organism can be universal and act reliably…

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place your beloved

How to feed a puppy

Brought into the house, a puppy from the first day requires a lot of care and attention. Torn away from maternal affection, warmth and milk, the baby feels lonely and helpless. Therefore, it is necessary to create the most favorable situation for it. And then you will be convinced of the justice of the above proverb, but, most importantly, you will bring up a strong and cheerful pet who will pay you a hundredfold. Continue reading

How to feed a puppy?

Often in large offspring puppies are stunted and not adapted to life. They are born very small, weight and size does not reach the norm. And the bitch feeds only 6-7 puppies.
Every day, puppies need to gain weight and height, which is the main indicator of good condition and development. A decrease in weight or its stability – an indicator of malnutrition, starvation or disease in general. Continue reading

Puppy rearing
Rearing a dog from an early age is the basis for further development and socialization. “Convenient” in all respects a dog, will not give you trouble and those around you,…


Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…
