Choosing a puppy for psychological qualities
So, you have weighed all the pros and cons, and decided to buy a small puppy. You feel the need to monitor its growth and development, “fashioning” day after day,…

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Homemade Puppy Food
Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires…

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How to feed a puppy?
In order for your pet to grow up healthy, beautiful and happy, you need to carefully monitor its nutrition since childhood. In no case can not feed a puppy from…

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How to feed a puppy

Brought into the house, a puppy from the first day requires a lot of care and attention. Torn away from maternal affection, warmth and milk, the baby feels lonely and helpless. Therefore, it is necessary to create the most favorable situation for it. And then you will be convinced of the justice of the above proverb, but, most importantly, you will bring up a strong and cheerful pet who will pay you a hundredfold.

First of all, you need to determine the place for the puppy. It is good to choose it somewhere in the corner. Not at the door, but away from the battery or the stove. The litter can be a rug, thick rug, mattress.

Does not interfere with equipping a special bed. To do this, from the rails should knock down the frame and pull on it a thick cloth, and put a litter on top. The place should be kept clean – systematically shake out and periodically wash the litter, wipe the floor with a damp cloth. It is undesirable to lodge a dog in a pantry, bathroom or kitchen, as well as in dark and damp rooms.

Now, about food: for her there are two cups – for food and water. Should I remind you that the dishes are washed after use. At first, the puppy is fed frequently, 5-6 times a day. From 6 months of age, they produce three meals, and from 1 year – twice a day. Initially, the food should be liquid – lightly heated milk, semolina, finely chopped lean broth in broth.

Gradually, various foods are included in the diet – soup with cereals and vegetables, bread, raw meat, and bones. As soon as the teeth start to go, the puppy is taught to nibble raw vegetables – apples, carrots. For the prevention of rickets, they give a little fish oil or vitamins A and D from 2 to 10 drops per day, mixing them in food. During the period of teeth growth, they make sure that small objects (buttons, plastic boxes for medicines, etc.) do not lie on the floor, and also lift all electrical and other wires, curtain ends, curtains.

Requires special protection legs of chairs and other furniture, shoes, slippers and other things that are within reach of a puppy.

How to raise a dog
All dog owners want their pets to obey and execute commands at their first request. So that they do not jump with their front paws on guests and loved ones.…


How to feed a puppy
Brought into the house, a puppy from the first day requires a lot of care and attention. Torn away from maternal affection, warmth and milk, the baby feels lonely and…
