Dog Commands
Standard commands that we give the dog are considered the most ordinary, non-service commands, such as “next”, “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, place ”, etc. In the process of dog…

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Tips for choosing a puppy
When deciding whether to buy a pedigree dog, you need to consider how your relatives and neighbors will treat it. Of course, if we are talking about a private house…

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Team Near
A young dog pulling on a leash is a familiar picture. This suggests that the owner missed the time when it was necessary to use a jerk chain. Many owners…

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How to make a comfortable puppy life in your home?

The puppy you have chosen, besides the instincts and characteristics of temperament, already has its own life experience. While he is still very small, but he already includes communication with both like-minded and human. Little doggie is well understood that mother is food, warmth, care and protection. Brothers and sisters are not only partners in games, but also competitors, in communication with whom hierarchical behavior is demonstrated for the first time. Familiar people who care for the bitch and her litter, puppies are also perceived positively – as a source of food, attention, affection and fun.

It is proved that tiny puppies remember the touch of human hands, its smell and warmth from the very first days of life. On the contrary, having received pain and discomfort from a person, the kids begin to avoid it, reacting as a potential threat. In other words, the very first experience of communication is of great importance for the formation of the necessary mental reactions and positive interaction with a person. Therefore, as I have already said, it is important to choose not only a good puppy, but also a worthy breeder.

As soon as you finally chose a puppy and took it in your arms, the responsibility for its life and health lies with you. Your duty is to ensure that the baby does not need anything and has everything necessary for a happy life. It should have fresh, nutritious food, clean water, a private corner and weather protection, and most importantly – your attention and love. Moving to a new place and the first days in a new house with strangers is the most significant event in the short life of a puppy. In addition, it is also a great challenge. And you, the owner, must do everything so that the trauma of the child from separation from the mother, brothers and sisters was minimal.

Usually, puppies are transferred to new owners at the age of 6–8 weeks. At this time, they are already quite independent and less and less in need of maternal care. However, acquiring such a baby, you must become him and the breadwinner, and educator, and guards, and companion in games. When buying a puppy, be sure to ask the breeder what kind of food the puppy received, how often and in what quantity. It is very important to maintain the continuity of nutrition at least during the first month of life in a new place. Try to prepare in advance the necessary food, get the appropriate size plates for food and water. It is good if you receive from the professionals detailed recommendations regarding the further diet of your growing pet. Consider that a sharp change of dog food (especially puppies) often react with a malfunctioning digestive system. Thus, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distention and soreness may occur.

How to make a puppy’s life comfortable in your home? If you purchase a puppy with documents, the breeder is obliged to hand you your first official document of your baby – a puppy card. This metric contains the dog’s nickname, registration number, breed, date of birth, surname and address of the breeder, as well as information about the new owners – surname, initials and address. The accuracy of the information must be certified by the seal of the club with its details. According to the rules, all puppies must be activated and have a stamp (identification number) tattooed on the inside of the right leg. A puppy must be registered in the dog club, and its puppy card is exchanged for a personal pedigree until the dog reaches the age of 1 year. The responsible breeder will offer you comprehensive assistance in raising your baby, advise on initial education, vaccination, veterinary services, exhibition training, etc.

Before you pick up a puppy, you need to prepare for the appearance in your house of a new tenant. It is unacceptable to keep a puppy in a barn, pantry, bathroom and other rooms that are not specifically designed for housing. Do not place the dog in the garage – there is a place for a car that smells like gasoline and technical oils, and not for a sensitive living being.

If you decide to keep your baby in an open-air cage, then he must meet basic hygienic standards and safety requirements. Remember that the enclosure must be equipped so that it is suitable in the future for a large adult dog. That is why the minimum size of the fence should be at least 3×3 m, since the fenced area of ​​smaller sizes does not allow the dog to develop normally. It is important that the territory of the enclosure had a small slope for water flow, and the surface of the site should not be concrete or asphalt, which contributes to the preservation of humidity. It is best to cover the territory of the aviary on 2/3 of tightly fitted boards installed on the bars. The rest of the site can be planted with grass or covered with a layer of gravel.

Be sure to provide a canopy over the entire territory of the aviary, which will protect the dog from rain and sun. As a barrier, wire mesh is usually used, which is firmly concreted or deepened into the soil by 40–50 cm.

Basics of raising dogs
Each of us at least once in our life had to observe a situation when a puppy rushing from a leash walks its owner. The owner of the dog, resigned…


You have a puppy
And the baby found himself in your house. He faces a difficult task - to grow into a healthy, obedient and efficient dog. And this should help you - the…
