How to make a comfortable puppy life in your home?
The puppy you have chosen, besides the instincts and characteristics of temperament, already has its own life experience. While he is still very small, but he already includes communication with…

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Puppy rearing
Rearing a dog from an early age is the basis for further development and socialization. “Convenient” in all respects a dog, will not give you trouble and those around you,…

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Tips for choosing a puppy
When deciding whether to buy a pedigree dog, you need to consider how your relatives and neighbors will treat it. Of course, if we are talking about a private house…

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dog into a dense

How to make a comfortable puppy life in your home?

The puppy you have chosen, besides the instincts and characteristics of temperament, already has its own life experience. While he is still very small, but he already includes communication with both like-minded and human. Little doggie is well understood that mother is food, warmth, care and protection. Brothers and sisters are not only partners in games, but also competitors, in communication with whom hierarchical behavior is demonstrated for the first time. Continue reading

What to do before taking a dog into the forest?

It turns out that walking with a dog in the forest is very dangerous for her. Therefore, if there is such a walk, then it is necessary to prepare in advance for possible troubles. And maybe even go to the forest alone, and leave the dog at home? And if you even had to take the dog into a dense and unfamiliar forest, then you need to watch her in both eyes. Continue reading

Homemade Puppy Food
Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires…


Homemade Puppy Food
Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires…
