What vaccinations do puppies need?
You have acquired a puppy, thereby taking responsibility for its life and health. You also have to ask the breeder, the owner of your pet's mom, whether he was given…

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Basics of raising dogs
Each of us at least once in our life had to observe a situation when a puppy rushing from a leash walks its owner. The owner of the dog, resigned…

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Tips for choosing a puppy
When deciding whether to buy a pedigree dog, you need to consider how your relatives and neighbors will treat it. Of course, if we are talking about a private house…

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Bathing dogs

Keeping pets is a painstaking and responsible matter. Animals get used to the owner and, if you want, “love him.” Any unfair treatment or rudeness (even the most insignificant) hurts the “soul” of your pet and it becomes evil and aggressive.
In this article we will discuss how to properly bathe dogs.
Regular bathing and cleaning your dog helps her live a long, healthy life, but do not forget, over-frequent bathing washes away the grease from the dog’s hair and makes her hair dry and brittle.
Categorically it is impossible to bathe small puppies, sick and pregnant dogs. Dry and waterless shampoos are provided for them (they are sold in veterinary pharmacies). Shampoo should be simply rubbed into the dog’s coat, and then deducted or allowed to dry. How to use these shampoos, read the instructions for the drug. Dogs are brushed with special brushes and wiped with a wet swab all the places where it is possible.
We must prepare the dog for swimming. A dog is put cotton in its ears so that water does not get there and oil the corners of the eyes with Vaseline so that soap or shampoo does not get into them. At the bottom of the bath you need to put a mat so that the dog’s feet do not slip when bathing.
You can not often use the “human cleansers” In veterinary pharmacies sell shampoos and soaps intended for bathing animals. Applying a flea shampoo, read the instructions.
It is better to bathe a dog together. One holds – another washes.
Bathing dogs Be calm – the longer you bathe a dog, the more relaxed and compliant it becomes.
Start pouring water over the dog from the tail to the head. Wash the dog with a hose, not with a bucket or a shower, this will allow better follow the water supply.
Use hand to apply shampoo to your wool (also from tail to head), do not rub it too hard in the skin.
Carefully wash the belly and paws, these are the dirtiest places in the dog. The muzzle needs to be washed with a sponge and very carefully. You need to make sure that the shampoo does not get into your eyes. Ears are also washed with a washcloth, not getting very deep inside. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly with wool, otherwise dried shampoo will irritate the skin. It is better to rinse several times.
If the coat is smeared with paint or technical oil, do not use stain removers or turpentine. Spread it on the night with vegetable oil and, the next day, try to remove the pollution while bathing. If you fail, you can carefully trim off stained spots. Wool grows quickly.
When bathing a dog you need to talk with her gently, calmly and not to frighten her with sharp movements.
After bathing, the dog should be allowed to shake. This is their natural way to dry.
Cooked towels need to thoroughly wipe the dog’s coat.
After bathing, the dog’s skin cools down and at this time the dog may catch a cold. It is necessary to keep the dog warm, until it is completely dry, but you can speed up this process with a hairdryer (the dog should not be afraid of the noise of the dryer). Remove cotton from ears, remove petroleum jelly from the corners of the eyes.
After complete drying, the dog must be combed to unravel and clean its wool.

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