Dog Commands
Standard commands that we give the dog are considered the most ordinary, non-service commands, such as “next”, “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, place ”, etc. In the process of dog…

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Puppy health care
The responsible breeder is obliged to prepare the bitch for the future maternity by conducting antihelminthic therapy (deworming) and vaccination against infectious diseases a month before the expected estrus. At…

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What is dog functionality?
Not even the most intelligent and powerful dog can master all dog professions and perform all the functions without exception. As no living organism can be universal and act reliably…

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Dog care

The dog should be kept clean. Every day the hair is combed with a loose comb, and smooth-haired dogs with a stiff hair brush. It removes dirt and dust, as well as dead hair (they renew themselves twice a year). It is necessary to wash the dog rarely, once in 35-45 days, and not with soap, since it washes away the protective fatty film on the skin; therefore, the animal’s hair loses shine, hair becomes brittle, worse keep warm. In addition, itching, scratching and, as a result, skin diseases may appear.

It is best to apply zooshampun or foam diluted baby soap. When bathing, in order to avoid water getting into the ears, you should insert into the ear canal cotton swabs soaked in cream. Eyes, if necessary (from souring, inflammation) should be washed with a 2-3% solution of boric acid (1 hour spoon per cup of boiled water). Once a week it is recommended to wipe your ears with a 10% solution of tannin alcohol. Claws in a puppy are trimmed as needed, but do it very carefully so as not to injure the soft tissue of the paws and not to cause bleeding. It is better to do it periodically in a veterinary clinic.
The breeding hair in dogs of some breeds is trimmed, others are plucked out (this is called trimming). If you do not have sufficient experience in grooming animals, contact a special hairdresser, whose address can be found in the nearest dog breeding club.
From one month of age, a puppy is taught to walk out of need: first, 4-5 times a day, and later – at least two. As soon as he grows up, it is necessary to walk with him in the morning and in the evening for at least an hour, providing an opportunity to frolic and run. However, to leave a dog during a walk without supervision is to doom it to trouble: it can fall into a trap for stray dogs, become a victim of an accident, be stolen, and also, communicating with orphaned animals, become infected with an infectious disease.
Puppy is raised literally from the first day of stay in the house. The main thing – a reasonable combination of patience, affection and demanding. You can’t beat a puppy, to beware of him you can only lightly slap. If the pet falls asleep poorly, it is necessary to warm it, put a heating pad under it wrapped with a cloth, but in no case take it to your bed or hands. Your ward will quickly get used to this and will no longer want to rest on his own. You should not cover him with a blanket, because when the blanket slides down, the puppy will begin to whine plaintively and will inevitably wake the owner (who probably will not express delight!).
Having determined the place, you should put the puppy there several times, saying: Place, place! And do it every day until he gets used to it. Gradually, as they grow, the number of teams increases. First of all, it concerns the prohibitive: It is impossible !, fu !, then the imperative: Come to me!, Sit!, Lie down!, Aport!, Show your teeth! etc.
It is important to teach your child to cleanliness. If you notice that the puppy sits down on the spot, strenuously sniffs the floor, you need to immediately bring him to the yard, even if he has already managed to get dirty.
From 3-4 months of age, it is necessary to begin acquaintance of a puppy with a collar, with 5 – to accustom to a muzzle. They do this by gradually increasing the time the animal stays in such armor.

Place for a puppy
Conditions of keeping puppies depends on the breed and nature of the use of the dog in the service in the future. It is better to keep German Shepherds in…


How dogs are trained
The behavior of the animal is influenced by hereditary factors and learning. The greater the proportion of behavioral reactions that the training component takes, the easier it is to manage…
