Bathing dogs
Keeping pets is a painstaking and responsible matter. Animals get used to the owner and, if you want, "love him." Any unfair treatment or rudeness (even the most insignificant) hurts…

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Team Stand
Performing the “Stand!” Command is necessary when the dog participates in competitions and exhibitions, and also practices during grooming, putting on special “ammunition” and veterinary examination. The first way. Use…

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Puppy testing
The most complete information regarding the personal characteristics of puppies can be obtained as a result of special tests. Babies aged from 6 to 8 weeks can be objectively checked…

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Team Ko me

The team “To me!” From childhood should be associated with the dog only with pleasant sensations. Often, animals avoid performing this command, having even a single negative experience of approaching the owner. The little walking dogs who know that the approach to the owner on the “Ko Me!” Command is the same is a guarantee of the loss of freedom. Continue reading

Tone of voice and dog handling

The purpose of training is purposeful education, during which you let the dog know what behavior is desirable. But do not believe those who claim to have raised a faithful and controlled dog with beatings and cruel restrictions. I do not argue, since childhood you can “crush” any puppy by raising an animal from it that will be afraid and take a step without a command. Such a dog will never be able to fully open up in the show ring, will not be the winner of sports training, and certainly will not manifest itself properly in the role of protector when meeting with detractors. Continue reading

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Primary education puppy
First of all, give your baby a name. Often the puppies born in the nursery are called breeders, and it is customary for the nicknames of littermates to begin with…


How dogs are trained
The behavior of the animal is influenced by hereditary factors and learning. The greater the proportion of behavioral reactions that the training component takes, the easier it is to manage…
