Bathing dogs
Keeping pets is a painstaking and responsible matter. Animals get used to the owner and, if you want, "love him." Any unfair treatment or rudeness (even the most insignificant) hurts…

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Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…

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Puppy health care
The responsible breeder is obliged to prepare the bitch for the future maternity by conducting antihelminthic therapy (deworming) and vaccination against infectious diseases a month before the expected estrus. At…

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Bordeaux dogs

Choosing a healthy puppy

Healthy puppies are active, energetic, playful and cheerful. At first glance, they are all fluffy “buns” that you want to caress. The size and weight of puppies depend on the number of babies in the litter, but to a greater extent on the correct care and feeding. Keep in mind that a healthy puppy of a large breed at the age of 30 days should weigh at least 2.5 kg, and at two months of age – at least 6 kg. It should not be fat or thin, rather – downed and strong. Continue reading

How to equip a place for a puppy?
Before you bring a puppy into the house, you should carefully prepare a permanent place for it. Choose the optimal area in the apartment, taking into account the fact that…


Team Stand
Performing the “Stand!” Command is necessary when the dog participates in competitions and exhibitions, and also practices during grooming, putting on special “ammunition” and veterinary examination. The first way. Use…
