Work on exposure and work at a distance. Team Wait
A poorly socialized, nervous dog is hard to convince to accept a fixed position in an unfamiliar place. As a rule, such animals behave restlessly inside the car; bark and…

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Primary education puppy
First of all, give your baby a name. Often the puppies born in the nursery are called breeders, and it is customary for the nicknames of littermates to begin with…

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How to raise a dog
All dog owners want their pets to obey and execute commands at their first request. So that they do not jump with their front paws on guests and loved ones.…

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simple to a complex action

Dog Commands

Standard commands that we give the dog are considered the most ordinary, non-service commands, such as “next”, “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, place ”, etc. In the process of dog training, in no case should corporal punishment, gross shouts be applied. This will lead to a violation of the psyche of the animal and will not bring the desired results, and in the future threatens to turn into a serious problem. Continue reading

Basics of raising dogs
Each of us at least once in our life had to observe a situation when a puppy rushing from a leash walks its owner. The owner of the dog, resigned…


Urination in dogs caused by fear
Urination caused by fear occurs in shy dogs by nature or in those who have been abused or offended. This “nuisance” is not caused by the fact that you poorly…
