How to feed a puppy?
Often in large offspring puppies are stunted and not adapted to life. They are born very small, weight and size does not reach the norm. And the bitch feeds only…

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How to make a comfortable puppy life in your home?
The puppy you have chosen, besides the instincts and characteristics of temperament, already has its own life experience. While he is still very small, but he already includes communication with…

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How to feed a puppy?
Often in large offspring puppies are stunted and not adapted to life. They are born very small, weight and size does not reach the norm. And the bitch feeds only…

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Dog mating technique

Knitting bitch spend on 12-13 day from the first day of estrus. Vaginal discharge ceases to be bloody and become more transparent. When tying, there should be a minimum number of people: the owner of a bitch, an instructor and an assistant (from an experienced dog trainer). The first time is better to carry out the binding with the instructor. For a greater guarantee of the birth of puppies, the next day a repeated binding is carried out (control). Spectators are not allowed, so as not to irritate dogs. If the floor is slippery (covered with varnish or rubbed), you should put an old carpet or mat under the feet of the dogs so that the paws of the male do not slip.

It should also be remembered that the dog at the first meeting with the bitch begins to mark in the apartment, mark on the furniture, so it is better to remove the carpets completely. The owner of the bitch should be close, turning the bitch face towards him, hold her with two hands on the collar so that she stands on four legs. In order to avoid the bitches, the bitch should wear a good muzzle. If the bitch does not allow the dog to her, gets nervous, barks and attacks, then you need to go outside and just walk with them, so that the bitch calms down and gets used to the dog. Preparing for mating bitch, run the dog in the room. Male do not need to touch his hands, do not drag to the bitch by the collar, do not take his hands on the penis. The instructor or assistant must put his knee under the bitch’s stomach so that it does not sit down (medium and large bitches) or support the little bitch under the stomach with his hand. Hand, you need to take and hold the tail of a bitch, so that it does not interfere with the dog. Male must front legs put on the back of a bitch, behind the knee of the assistant. After the dog’s penis has entered the bitch’s vagina, note the time and, for the first time, hold the dog on the bitch by the collar, pressing it with the body to the bitch behind, before the occurrence of stitching. Then remove the front leg of the dog from the back of the bitch, so that the dogs stand in one direction. If the bitch does not bother and does not try to bite, you can remove the muzzle from the bitch. Hold the dog and bitch by the collar and do not give her and him to sit down or lie down while sticking. It can last from 10 to 30-40 minutes, rarely up to one to two hours.

After finishing the stitching and moving the dog from the bitch, the bitch should not be allowed to sit down, as she can urinate, which is undesirable. A bitch needs to be led on a leash, small bitches can be laid on their backs, on their knees, raising its back part so that sperm do not spill out. After mating, some females can sit down and make a puddle in the room (mental and physical effects). Male after mating, it is desirable to remove from the bitch. Bitch can be fed tasty, that would reassure her.

Some too nervous bitches can pinch the vagina and therefore a dog cannot enter the penis. In this case, the bitch can pour 1-2 tablespoons of light wine into the mouth, take the dog for 10-15 minutes to walk, and then continue mating.

A young dog sometimes tries to knit a bitch from the head. In this case, the owner of the dog cautiously knee (not hands) pushes him to the tail of the bitch. In the normal course of mating, the penis of the dog is gradually removed during the process of gluing. When the dogs are disconnected, the penis of the dog is already removed. A penis that fell out of the vagina in an erection state causes the dog severe pain and interferes with movement. If the dog pulls out the penis ahead of time, then you can bring a container with warm water to the member, put the member in the water, the member will begin to shrink and will soon accept the normal state without disturbing the dog. After mating (preferably, mating takes place in the room where the dog lives) the bitch is taken away. If the bitch was nervous during the mating, then in the first days she can develop stress, the dog can start to eat much more than its norm, it lasts 2-3 days, and then it returns to normal.

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