Team Ko me
The team "To me!" From childhood should be associated with the dog only with pleasant sensations. Often, animals avoid performing this command, having even a single negative experience of approaching…

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How to feed a puppy?
In order for your pet to grow up healthy, beautiful and happy, you need to carefully monitor its nutrition since childhood. In no case can not feed a puppy from…

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What breed of dog to choose?
What you need to think about when choosing a four-legged friend: Space. The area of ​​your home is a factor that determines the size of the future pet. There is…

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Male after mating

You have a puppy

And the baby found himself in your house. He faces a difficult task – to grow into a healthy, obedient and efficient dog. And this should help you – the owner, educator, teacher, protector, doctor and friend. Growing up of a dog under your constant control can be compared to the work of a sculptor who carves a magnificent statue out of marble. And you need to start this work as soon as possible. Continue reading

Dog mating technique

Knitting bitch spend on 12-13 day from the first day of estrus. Vaginal discharge ceases to be bloody and become more transparent. When tying, there should be a minimum number of people: the owner of a bitch, an instructor and an assistant (from an experienced dog trainer). The first time is better to carry out the binding with the instructor. Continue reading

Dog: tips on choosing
So, it was decided to have a dog. This means that you get a real friend who will look forward to you and sincerely rejoice at your coming. But among…


Dry food
Recently, domestic dog owners have an alternative to traditional homemade food. These are finished dry food and canned food for animals. Particularly popular are dry granulated feed. However, the number…
