Bathing dogs
Keeping pets is a painstaking and responsible matter. Animals get used to the owner and, if you want, "love him." Any unfair treatment or rudeness (even the most insignificant) hurts…

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Educational games and initial defense course exercises
If the puppy is contained in a large cage, often let him walk freely in the room. Remember that you can keep it locked up no more than 12 hours…

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Dog Commands
Standard commands that we give the dog are considered the most ordinary, non-service commands, such as “next”, “to me”, “lie down”, “sit”, place ”, etc. In the process of dog…

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new season

You have a puppy

And the baby found himself in your house. He faces a difficult task – to grow into a healthy, obedient and efficient dog. And this should help you – the owner, educator, teacher, protector, doctor and friend. Growing up of a dog under your constant control can be compared to the work of a sculptor who carves a magnificent statue out of marble. And you need to start this work as soon as possible. Continue reading

Choose a dog for life

Perhaps there is not a single person who could say that he hates animals, especially dogs. But few people have a clear idea of ​​which breed to choose and which breed of dogs are most popular, and all because we have enough information about the merits and, most importantly, the shortcomings of the breeds. There are many famous breeds, including the German Shepherd, Dachshund, Poodle or Pekingese, but this is only a small fraction of the existing list of dog breeds, for example, what do we know about such breeds as Jack Russell Terrier, Foxhound or Japanese Terrier? Continue reading

Bathing dogs
Keeping pets is a painstaking and responsible matter. Animals get used to the owner and, if you want, "love him." Any unfair treatment or rudeness (even the most insignificant) hurts…


Primary education puppy
First of all, give your baby a name. Often the puppies born in the nursery are called breeders, and it is customary for the nicknames of littermates to begin with…
