How to raise a dog
All dog owners want their pets to obey and execute commands at their first request. So that they do not jump with their front paws on guests and loved ones.…

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You have a puppy
And the baby found himself in your house. He faces a difficult task - to grow into a healthy, obedient and efficient dog. And this should help you - the…

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Feeding a black Russian terrier
Despite the fact that the black Russian terrier is an almost omnivorous breed, the diet of such a dog should be approached seriously, as improper feeding leads to growth disorders…

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polyunsaturated fatty acids

Dry food

Recently, domestic dog owners have an alternative to traditional homemade food. These are finished dry food and canned food for animals. Particularly popular are dry granulated feed. However, the number of their consumers and fans among owners, veterinarians, animal physiologists and dogs themselves is almost equal to the number of opponents. Continue reading

Choose a dog for life
Perhaps there is not a single person who could say that he hates animals, especially dogs. But few people have a clear idea of ​​which breed to choose and which…


Choose a dog for life
Perhaps there is not a single person who could say that he hates animals, especially dogs. But few people have a clear idea of ​​which breed to choose and which…
