Choose a dog for life
Perhaps there is not a single person who could say that he hates animals, especially dogs. But few people have a clear idea of ​​which breed to choose and which…

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The amount of food for dogs and food allergies
The recommended dry feed rate is usually indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Consider that when feeding a dog with a “superpremium” class food, the daily norm is twice…

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Primary education puppy
First of all, give your baby a name. Often the puppies born in the nursery are called breeders, and it is customary for the nicknames of littermates to begin with…

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daring and proud.

Educational games and initial defense course exercises

If the puppy is contained in a large cage, often let him walk freely in the room. Remember that you can keep it locked up no more than 12 hours a day. Puppies need active movement and play. In the game version, the foundation of the relationship between the dog and the outside world is laid. The game is a way of learning life in the “pack-family.” Such socialization and the beginning of the acquisition of life experience are closely related to attachment. Continue reading

Puppy training for the main teams

The trainers know that each team has its own optimal training time. A two-month-old puppy easily learns positive skills related to an activity. It is easy to teach him to run up to the call, give a paw, run after the ball. However, with such a crumb is quite difficult to work on the shutter speed. This feature is associated with the non-simultaneous development of excitatory and inhibitory systems of the brain. In other words, an active and restless puppy hardly assimilates inhibiting and prohibiting commands. Continue reading

How to feed a puppy?
Often in large offspring puppies are stunted and not adapted to life. They are born very small, weight and size does not reach the norm. And the bitch feeds only…


How to feed a puppy?
In order for your pet to grow up healthy, beautiful and happy, you need to carefully monitor its nutrition since childhood. In no case can not feed a puppy from…
