Puppy rearing
Rearing a dog from an early age is the basis for further development and socialization. “Convenient” in all respects a dog, will not give you trouble and those around you,…

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Work on exposure and work at a distance. Team Wait
A poorly socialized, nervous dog is hard to convince to accept a fixed position in an unfamiliar place. As a rule, such animals behave restlessly inside the car; bark and…

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Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…

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he eventually

Sit Team

Usually the “Sit!” Team learns one of the first and becomes a small victory for a two-month-old puppy (see “Primary education of a puppy”). With the use of treats, you can work out the skill and the grown-up pet. However, the algorithm of the exercise should be more stringent. The dog is on a short leash, which the trainer holds in his left hand 20-25 cm from the collar. Continue reading

Homemade Puppy Food
Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires…


How to make a comfortable puppy life in your home?
The puppy you have chosen, besides the instincts and characteristics of temperament, already has its own life experience. While he is still very small, but he already includes communication with…
