Puppy testing
The most complete information regarding the personal characteristics of puppies can be obtained as a result of special tests. Babies aged from 6 to 8 weeks can be objectively checked…

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How to feed a puppy
Brought into the house, a puppy from the first day requires a lot of care and attention. Torn away from maternal affection, warmth and milk, the baby feels lonely and…

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Dog care
The dog should be kept clean. Every day the hair is combed with a loose comb, and smooth-haired dogs with a stiff hair brush. It removes dirt and dust, as…

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infection virus hepatitis

Homemade Puppy Food

Experience shows that a dog needs a special diet that is different from the traditional menu of the host table. And above all, the body of a growing puppy requires a large amount of high-grade protein contained in the tissues and organs of animals. The general lack of protein intake from food leads to nitrogen starvation, a decrease in the protective function of the immune system, hormonal disruptions, slower growth and weakness of the musculoskeletal system. Continue reading

Puppy health care

The responsible breeder is obliged to prepare the bitch for the future maternity by conducting antihelminthic therapy (deworming) and vaccination against infectious diseases a month before the expected estrus. At the same time, born puppies with the first portion of breast milk (colostrum) receive the most important basis of passive clostral immunity — ready-made antibodies that protect them during infancy. Thanks to this natural mechanism, the suckling puppies are safe from viruses and bacteria. Continue reading

What breed of dog to choose?
What you need to think about when choosing a four-legged friend: Space. The area of ​​your home is a factor that determines the size of the future pet. There is…


Sit Team
Usually the “Sit!” Team learns one of the first and becomes a small victory for a two-month-old puppy (see “Primary education of a puppy”). With the use of treats, you…
