Vitamin mineral supplements and dietary supplements
In addition to proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet of dogs. Some of them are already contained in food products, and the deficiency…

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How dogs are trained
The behavior of the animal is influenced by hereditary factors and learning. The greater the proportion of behavioral reactions that the training component takes, the easier it is to manage…

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How dogs are trained
The behavior of the animal is influenced by hereditary factors and learning. The greater the proportion of behavioral reactions that the training component takes, the easier it is to manage…

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this skill is that any

Team Voice

With a young dog, you can work out the command “Voice!”. This skill is very useful when working out methods of security training (for example, when a stranger is detected in a room or shelter or as a warning signal). Practicing exercises produce as long as the dog will not give voice in a variety of situations.

Representatives of more temperamental breeds who are accustomed to accompanying their actions with barking (for example, German, Scottish and Belgian shepherds, Dobermans, Airedale terriers, etc.), undoubtedly, are easier to train this team than “silent” (such as rottweilers and mastiffs). Continue reading

Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…


Educational games and initial defense course exercises
If the puppy is contained in a large cage, often let him walk freely in the room. Remember that you can keep it locked up no more than 12 hours…
