Team Ko me
The team "To me!" From childhood should be associated with the dog only with pleasant sensations. Often, animals avoid performing this command, having even a single negative experience of approaching…

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Including the seals and signatures. Texas apostille. Apostille services.
Sit Team
Usually the “Sit!” Team learns one of the first and becomes a small victory for a two-month-old puppy (see “Primary education of a puppy”). With the use of treats, you…

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The amount of food for dogs and food allergies
The recommended dry feed rate is usually indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Consider that when feeding a dog with a “superpremium” class food, the daily norm is twice…

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aggression in the dog

Team Ko me

The team “To me!” From childhood should be associated with the dog only with pleasant sensations. Often, animals avoid performing this command, having even a single negative experience of approaching the owner. The little walking dogs who know that the approach to the owner on the “Ko Me!” Command is the same is a guarantee of the loss of freedom. Continue reading

Key points of obedience training

Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On the one hand, this is the way to tame the beast, on the other hand, the development of the dog’s body and psyche, and on the third, the birth and strengthening of that incredibly beautiful and strong mutual feeling that combines love, devotion and responsibility. Continue reading

Educational games and initial defense course exercises

If the puppy is contained in a large cage, often let him walk freely in the room. Remember that you can keep it locked up no more than 12 hours a day. Puppies need active movement and play. In the game version, the foundation of the relationship between the dog and the outside world is laid. The game is a way of learning life in the “pack-family.” Such socialization and the beginning of the acquisition of life experience are closely related to attachment. Continue reading

Key points of obedience training
Obedience classes with their endless repetitions, many owners find boring and almost useless. And this is fundamentally wrong. The main task of any training is to achieve dog controllability. On…


Work on exposure and work at a distance. Team Wait
A poorly socialized, nervous dog is hard to convince to accept a fixed position in an unfamiliar place. As a rule, such animals behave restlessly inside the car; bark and…
